Servicing to all makes & models
We can service your vehicle in line with the manufacturers schedule or carry out one of the Bosch Menu services.
To get a quote for one of the Bosch Menu Services simply follow this link and input your registration number.
As a member of the Bosch Car Service network we work to an OFT approved standard which ensures your peace of mind when entrusting your car to us. The Office of Fair trading (OFT) reported that consumers no longer have to have their car serviced by a franchise dealer to comply with the manufacturer’s warranty.
Also from the OFT report: ”Servicing at franchise dealers is typically more expensive than servicing at independent garages, averaging £199 and £116 respectively without any apparent difference in the quality of service offered.” Taken from the OFT bulletin 85/04.
We offer:
- MOT Testing
To all private cars and Class 4 light commercials - Vehicle Diagnostics
Our trained technicians can diagnose and rectify faults in most of the electronic systems including engine management, ABS braking, transmission and comfort systems using the latest Bosch Diagnostic equipment. - Four wheel alignment, camber & castor
- Brakes, clutches and timing/cambelt replacement to all makes
- Air Conditioning Maintenance
- Tyres
We recommend servicing of the air conditioning system is carried out every 2-3 years to maintain efficient operation.
LEVEL 2: FULL SERVICE, LEAK DETECTION, RE-CHARGE (incl antibacterial treatment) – £75.00 +VAT
- Company Fleets welcome – 1 Link authorised
- Recovery service available
- Bodywork, smart repairs and alloy wheel refurbishment
So why not call us now and put your mind to rest and our service to the test! – 020 8688 8478